High Cookery
Food and cannabis are extremely tethered – they always come together. Either through the consumption of edible marijuana or, most commonly, the inevitable phenomenon that follows the ingestion/inhalation of cannabis – the munchies.
Back in the days when marijuana was an illegitimate cultural experience, stigmatically reserved to the stoners, the potheads or however you’d like to catalog them – good food was not always an issue to consider. However, nowadays cannabis is gaining more social legitimacy as people acknowledge its healing properties, even when consumed recreationally. As a result, a much wider audience is exploring cannabis and for some, yours truly included, eating junk is just not a good companion for the high experience.
I believe that high quality, nourishing food is a great supplement for the high experience. Let food uplift your taste buds alongside cannabis, your spirits. After numerous social gatherings with friends and neighbors where I shared many a creative dish, the idea of the High Cookery project was conceived.
With the helpful cheering of my friends and the motivation to spread the love, I got to cooking. After many joyful tasting events and countless hours in the kitchen, I decided time was upon us and launched High Cookery. I truly hope you’ll enjoy it!